Hatcheries Medianas y Grandes para Pienso Vivo

Feeding Systems for
Medium and Large Hatcheries

Centralized feeding system for larvae with microdiets aimed at Hatcheries with production of more than 20MM larvae.

Increased fish survival rate and ongrowing faster and more homogeneous.

Amortization in 3 Years

Feeding systems amortizable in 36 months. .

Cost Reduction

Optimization of feed and human resources.

Greater Efficiency

Ongrowing of the fish faster and more homogeneous.

Job Security

Reduces the effort of operators
Acceso Hatcheries Medianas y Grandes para Pienso Seco

Medium and Large Hatcheries of
Dry Feed

Medium and Large Hatcheries of Dry Feed

Centralized feeding system for larvae with microdiets aimed at Hatcheries with production of more than 20MM larvae.

It has a dosage of microdiet from 150 microns and another from 2gr. It allows mixing feed in the same dose.

Acceso Hatcheries Medianas y Grandes para Pienso Vivo

Medium and Large Hatcheries of
Live Feed

Medium and Large Hatcheries of Live Feed

Centralized feeding system for larvae with live feed aimed at Hatcheries with production of more than 20MM larvae.

Take advantage of all its benefits: FCR optimization, cost savings, faster growth of larvae, etc.

Customized Aquaculture Food Systems

Greater efficiency and cost reduction. For all species.

Customized Aquaculture Food Systems

Greater efficiency and cost reduction. For all species.

Founded in 2008, we manufacture only feeding systems for Aquaculture, feeding all stages of the life of the fish and/or shrimp.


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